This Is How To Develop A Person Discipline (Imagine You’re Running A Marathon…)
I’m going to force you to run a marathon.
You have two options:
- You can run the marathon tomorrow morning at 6AM.
- You can run the marathon in one year from today.
Which option would you choose?
If you choose the latter option, you’ll have fifty-two weeks to train and prepare for the 26 mile run.
Developing a personal discipline is like training for a marathon.
Too often people decide they want to have a personal discipline, and then expect to be able to run a marathon the next day.
They think they’ll go from no gym routine, to a six day a week gym routine.
They imagine they’ll start writing 10,000 words a day, when they currently write zero words a day.
They start their business and believe they’ll go from $0 profit to $100,000 in a few months.
To succeed at creating the gym routine, becoming a writer, or having a successful business, you have to understand that you’re running a marathon.
To train for the marathon, your training will look something like this:
Run 1 mile a day
Run 2 miles a day
Run 3 miles a day
Run 4 miles a day…etc.
So, to start your gym routine:
Work out once a week
Work out twice a week
Work out three time a week…etc.
To start writing more:
Write one article a day
Write two articles a day
Write three articles a day….etc.
To make $100,000 in profit:
Make $100 in profit
Make $200 in profit
Make $300 in profit…etc.
A personal discipline is a cumulation of daily habits that establish the discipline of choice and create momentum towards reaping the benefit.