The Two Factors That Drive Successful People (Lessons From A World Traveling Writer)
There are two factors that drive success.
The first is in how much you are willing to sacrifice to get to where you want to be.
Are you willing to allocate hundreds of hours each year to learn how to be good at what you desire to be and, are you ready to do that for years on end?
Yesterday, somebody asked me if I was born with a talent for writing. My response was, “I’m a good writer because I had a natural inclination to write and then I wrote over 500 articles. That’s when I became a great writer.” I’ve spent the majority of 2018 with my fingers on a keyboard, learning how to best express the experiences I’m having into golden nuggets of value for others to profit from.
My first article wasn’t good.
Neither was my fiftieth.
But by the one hundred article mark and above, my writing has drastically improved.
If you’re willing to sacrifice your time and allocate it towards whatever you desire to be great at, you will find success.
The second driving factor of success is the feeling of wanting to be valued.
This can easily be interlaced with a competitive nature. If you feel competitive, you’ll be happy to spend late nights growing your business or perfecting your craft. You’ll want others to recognize the skill you have and that recognition will motivate you to continue forward.
I’ve recently had an experience where I felt severely undervalued. It has become the driving force behind my motivation for success. I moved to San Francisco yesterday and I’m using the desire to prove my value as fuel to push myself farther than I have before.
Those that can feel undervalued and choose to better themselves to prove their value will find success.
A willingness to sacrifice my time has gotten me this far, but the drive to showcase my ability is what will take me into the home stretch.
Successful people do more than work hard.
They are motivated to prove their value.
And that’s what sets the bar of success.