How to Train Your Brain to Make Better Decisions
It all starts with questioning your assumption stack.
Your assumption stack is the list of assumptions that automatically appear when you think about a strategy, idea, or decision.
For example:
You want to start using organic content marketing to sell your products.
What’s the first thought that comes into your mind when you think about this?
1. I don’t have the time
2. My team doesn’t have the time
3. I’ll have to hire somebody
4. We need to start doing this immediately
Take the initial thought that came to mind and question it.
Where did that thought come from?
1. When I looked at my calendar this morning it stressed me out which means I don’t have the time.
2. I saw the overwhelmed look on my team’s faces when we talked about implementing this strategy
3. I need someone else to tell me how best to do this
4. I feel like we’re so behind because we haven’t started this already and it’s stressing me out
Great. Now, question this new thought. Where did it come from?
1. It came from looking at my calendar and feeling stressed, but realistically next week my schedule is open. This week is just busier than most.
2. We’re in a busy season right now and I can tell my team isn’t keen to take on any new strategies. We could always circle back in two weeks when things have cooled off.
3. I don’t have experience with this but maybe I don’t need a new team member…I could hire a consultant to get this off the ground without needing to bring on any permanent hires just yet.
4. It feels like I missed the opportunity to grow big on social because I was too focused on other things. But, I can either fixate on that or start creating the opportunity for growth now.
Every thought is linked to an assumption before it.
And if you’re not actively thinking about the previous thought informed this assumption…
You make decisions based on faulty assumptions that are:
1) Limiting
2) Playing small
3) Subscribing to opinions you don’t even believe
Training your brain to make better decisions requires questioning the assumption stack that comes with each solution.
Sometimes it leads them in the right direction.
Other times it makes them realize they made a big mistake.
To avoid the latter — founders need a way to think through their decisions that takes away the assumptions limiting their thinking and keeping them playing small.
And an expert consultant (in every single topic) ready to dive in at a moment’s notice so they can keep the momentum going.
Here are 3 free thought exercises to use with AI to question your assumption stack and think clearly: